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__This page is intended to questions and answers specific to Nørrebro department.__ __For general questions and answers, please visit the general FAQ on KBHFF website or on the general FAQ on the wiki__ This page is in continuous construction and gathers all sorts of small questions specific to Nørrebro (or that are not addressed on the general FAQ). Please, do not hesitate to contribute if you have solutions to technical issues specific to Nørrebro. You can also suggest your ideas to norrebro@kbhff.dk. As much as possible, try to redirect to pages that are regularly updated rather than copy an information that might get obsolete at some point. Thank you! __Hvornår kan jeg hente min pose i Nørrebro?__ Fra kl. 16:00-18:30 om onsdagen i Kafa-X, Korsgade 19, i kælderen, 2200 København N. __When can I get my bag in Nørrebro?__ From 4:00-6:30 pm on Wednesdays in Kafa-X, Korsgade 19, in the basement, 2200 Copenhagen N. __I would like to know more about the new procedure with MobilePay.__ Please visit this page where you will find more info, a video, and a procedure for kassemesters. __How should kassemesters do accounting at the end of the shift? What if no one counted the money in the red box at the start of a shift?__ Keep in mind that a new form should be used for the accounting at the end of the day! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScsspblXn0Lq_SEBe3hRqu4sVdAe6EmD0mTL6R4eakdp18xEg/viewform If you want to know what has been typed in the past, you can see the numbers in this table. *table only available with login: kassemester@kbhff.dk --- kasmig This can help you for instance, if you don't have the amount of money that was in the red løssalgskasse at the start of the shift. You can see what was left the week before (column T: Kontant til næeste uge): it should be the same when you start provided that no one stole from the box or that the modtagevagt/pakkevagt people have not used money to buy something for the store (but if they do you should find a receipt in the box!). __Where can I find the price list for "dry products" sold at løssalg (tørvarer)?__ If you're in doubt, miss a price, or need to print new sheets for the løssalg, you can find the right links on the ((UgensPose|ugens pose)) wiki page. The table (prisliste for faste (tør)varer) is the most updated, then you can find a PDF to be printed with the logo etc. (check it is updated before printing). No one in particular is responsible for printing the sheets, so if can't print them yourself, don't hesitate to write to norrebro@kbhff.dk. __If a scale (vægt) does not work properly, what should I do?__ Write to norrebro@kbhff.dk. Vægtene kan repareres hos H.W. Larsen. Hvis det bare er en reservedel, som mangler, så kan vi købe den gennem H.W. Larsen. Ofte er problemet, at stilleskruen skues af og forsvinder. Når stilleskruen skrues af, går det hele fra hinanden indeni vægten, så den ikke dur. Men den kan altså nemt laves med en ny stilleskrue. Når du enten bestiller reparation eller reservedele hos H.W. Larsen, så sikrer dig lige, at de har de rigtige oplysninger om leveringsadresse og faktureringsoplysninger. __If there are vegetables/fruits left at the end of the day, what should I do?__ Check on the shift page for instructions. http://kbhffwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Dokumenter+NBR __Kan jeg reservere en løssalgspose?__ Du kan ikke reservere en løssalgspose. Du skal bare møde op når butikken åbner og køber en. Hvis der ikke er flere løssalgsposer, kan du blive skrevet på en liste til uafhentede poser, hvor du kommer lidt før 18:30. Vi plejer at give folk til 18:35, og så sælger vi de uafhentede til halv pris. __If we can't find the key to close up the shop, what do we do?__ The normal key we use is attached to a greyish old piece of rope. First, check that the key is not hanging on the walls at a screw or in the kitchen or in any of the 3 boxes (2 yellow and 1 red box). Then check that it is not at Plads’n (since 28th May 2018 --- earlier we used to put the key at café N), sometimes it's just been put back there. Please post on Facebook that you are looking for the key. Use only the group for members. You can call your teamlink to let her/him know (find the mobile number on the shift plan). Ultimately, you can close the door using the extra spare key that is in the infovagt yellow box (it's a set of 2 keys with a red label and a pink string). Give this set of key to café N and send an email as soon as possible to norrebro@kbhff.dk to let us know that you did.
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