
History: Afdeling Amager

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Velkommen til Amager afdelingen af KBHFF

KBHFF Amager holder til i Frivilligcenter Amager (Sundholmsvej 8, 2300 København S) på den nordvestlige del af Amager. Afdelingen er åben hver onsdag fra kl. 16.00 til 19.00. Vores 140 medlemmer kommer fra både Amager og Christianshavn, og vi er en broget skare af mennesker – fra småbørn til seniorer. Følg os på facebook.

For at blive medlem af Amager afdelingen skal man deltage i et intro-møde. Vi afholder som udgangspunkt intro-møde den anden onsdag i hver måned kl. 17:30. Send en mail til amager at kbhff.dk hvis du ønsker at blive tilmeldt det næste intro-møde.

Welcome to Amager department of KBHFF

The local Amager shop is located at Frivilligcenter Amager (Sundholmsvej 8, 2300 København S) in the northwestern part of Amager. Opening hours are from 16.00 to 19.00 every Wednesday. Our 125 members come from both Amager and Christianshavn and we are a diverse group of people - from toddlers to seniors. Follow us on facebook.

To become a member of KBHFF Amager, you need to attend our intro meeting. Normally, we have intro meetings the second Wednesday in every month at 17:30 h. Please, send an e-mail to amager at kbhff.dk if you would like to sign up for the next intro meeting.


Information Version
2021-08-11 13:50 anonymous 78
2021-08-11 13:49 anonymous 77
2021-02-05 07:19 anonymous 76
2021-02-05 07:18 anonymous 75
2021-02-05 07:17 anonymous 74
2020-11-17 08:30 anonymous Vedr intromøde 73
2019-08-13 20:55 anonymous 72
2019-06-19 13:45 anonymous 71
2019-04-07 17:15 anonymous Updated time for intro 70
2018-11-04 18:32 anonymous 69
2018-11-04 18:32 anonymous 68
2018-11-04 18:31 anonymous 67
2018-11-04 18:30 anonymous 66
2018-11-04 18:29 anonymous 65
2018-11-04 17:19 anonymous 64
2018-11-04 17:11 anonymous 63
2018-10-02 11:17 anonymous 62
2018-09-26 11:52 kbhff_user 61
2018-09-26 11:49 kbhff_user 60
2018-09-26 11:48 kbhff_user Added intro tekst from old wiki 59
2018-09-12 10:47 anonymous 58
2018-09-11 17:13 anonymous 57
2018-09-11 16:10 anonymous 56
2018-09-11 15:09 anonymous 55
2018-09-11 13:06 anonymous 54