
History: Oesterbro_arbejdsgrupper

Preview of version: 35 (current)

Osterbro Wiki Topimage 02

A r b e j d s g r u p p e r n e

Som udgangspunkt skal man tage sin vagt om onsdagen. Hvis du ikke har mulighed for det, kan du melde dig til en af arbejdsgrupperne. Der er både lokale og centrale arbejdsgrupper. Du kan tilmelde dig en af disse grupper allerede på intromødet. Du kan også kontakte et gruppemedlem via mail.
Hvis du ønsker at læse mere om de centrale arbejdsgrupper, kan dette gøres i menuen til venstre.

På Østerbro har vi følgende arbejdsgrupper:


Kommunikationsgruppen står for den interne og eksterne kommunikation i KBHFF Østerbro.
Opgaverne består i at opdatere Wiki og Facebook, skrive artikler og referater samt udsende mails til medlemmerne.
Kommunikationsgruppen mødes efter behov og deltager i det månedlige butiksmøde
Find guides og manualer her.

Arrangementsgruppen Østerbro

Arrangementsgruppen skaber rammerne for diverse aktiviteter, der styrker fællesskabet i Østerbro-afdelingen.
Opgaverne består af:

  • at lave vegetarisk middagsmad af ugens pose til salg for medlemmer den sidste onsdag i hver måned
  • at organisere to årlige besøg hos avlere
  • at organisere to årlige medlemsmøder på Østerbro i samarbejde med Butiksgruppen
  • at deltage i organisering af fælles KBHFF arrangementer

Som aktiviteterne antyder, vil Arrangementsgruppen kunne tilbyde en meget varieret tjans. Gruppen mødes efter behov.

Tilmelding til månedens Fællesspisning - klik her

Månedens buffet se her.

Introduktion til Arrangementsgruppens arbejde se her.

Vagtplan for Fællesspisning 2020 klik her.

Se her.

Intro ambassadører Østerbro

Intro ambassadørerne er ansvarlige for at afholde intromøder i Fødevarefællesskabet.
Opgaverne består af at koordinere intro-møder, hvor organisationen, indmelding mm bliver gennemgået.
Der bliver afholdt intro-møder ca. en gang om måneden, oftest den anden onsdag i måneden.

W o r k i n g G r o u p s

There are alternative ways of taking your shift if you do not have time on Wednesdays.
For example in one of the groups that deal with KBHFF's development and administration. There are both local and central groups. You can join a group already at the intro meeting, or you can contact a group member by mail or come to the monthly shop meeting where you might representatives from the various groups.

There is more information about the central groups on the website. Go to "about KBHFF" and check "Organization".

In Østerbro we have the following working groups:

Communications Group

The communications group is responsible for the internal and external communication in KBHFF Østerbro. Their task is to update the wiki and facebook, send emails to members, write minutes of the shop meetings, etc. They are also responsible for cooperation with other organizations that have an interest in KBHFF.
The communications group is meeting as needed and participates in the monthly shop meeting.

Find a list of members here
Guides and manuals here.

Event Group

We have created an event Group to arrange various activities. For the time being we are responsible for the following events:

  • a vegetarian dinner with ingrediences from the week's bag for sale to members on the last Wednesday of the month
  • two annual visits to our farmers
  • two annual membership meetings on Østerbro in collaboration with the shop group
  • to participate in the organization of joint KBHFF-events

As the list of activities implies, the events group has a large variety of tasks to offer, and there is still a need for people who like to cook and organize, if we are to accomplish them all.

Members Find a list of members here.

Registration for the monthly buffet click here
See responsibilities in the group here click here.
Shift schedule joint dinner 2020 click here.

Intro ambassadors Østerbro

The group is responsible for organizing the intro-meetings for people interested in becoming new members.
The tasks consist of coordinating intro-meetings where the organization, registration-procedure etc. are explained.
Intro-meetings are held once a month, usually the second Wednesday of each month.


Information Version
2020-02-12 17:33 anonymous 35
2020-02-12 17:17 anonymous 34
2020-02-12 17:16 anonymous 33
2020-02-12 17:13 anonymous 32
2020-02-12 17:12 anonymous 31
2020-01-15 17:28 anonymous 30
2020-01-15 17:23 anonymous 29
2019-11-11 20:49 anonymous 28
2019-03-18 22:42 anonymous 27
2019-03-18 22:39 anonymous 26
2018-10-05 06:39 anonymous 25
2018-10-05 06:38 anonymous 24
2018-10-05 06:35 anonymous 23
2018-10-05 06:34 anonymous 22
2018-10-05 06:33 anonymous 21
2018-10-05 06:26 anonymous 20
2018-10-05 06:21 anonymous 19
2018-10-03 15:49 anonymous 18
2018-10-02 15:43 anonymous 17
2018-10-02 15:26 anonymous 16
2018-09-30 07:40 anonymous 15
2018-09-30 07:34 anonymous 14
2018-09-30 07:21 anonymous 13
2018-09-30 07:16 anonymous 12
2018-09-30 07:15 anonymous 11
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