

Bestyrelsen kan kontaktes på bestyrelse at kbhff.dk

Bestyrelsens kerneopgaver

Bestyrelsen er kontaktperson til bogholderen og fælleskoordinatoren for at sikre, at foreningen overholder budgetter og at foreningens generelle drift fungerer. Bestyrelsen er foreningens konsulenters arbejdsgiver, som sikrer at foreningens konsulenter trives og udfører deres arbejde. Bestyrelsen er KBHFF’s ”juridiske person”, der har overblik over og underskriver diverse aftaler og kontrakter, godkender betalinger m.v.

| Bestyrelsen er kontaktperson til fælleskoordinatoren (FK). Når FK har brug for sparring med bestyrelsen, eller når bestyrelsen har brug for sparring med FK. FK-kontakten mødes med FK jævnligt for at sikre, at FK's arbejdsgange optimeres og at FK's arbejdsforhold er i orden.

Jurist- og advokatkontakt
| Bestyrelsen er kontaktperson til jurister og advokater.

| Er bestyrelsens kontaktperson til foreningens bank og bogholder i forbindelse med godkendelse af betalinger. Ansvarlig for årligt regnskab og budget.

| Er administrator for vores NEM-ID'er herunder medarbejdersignaturer, som bruges til f.eks. at indberette til SKAT og til at ansøge om og godkende praktikanter. Kontaktperson til Fødevarestyrelsen og Erhvervsstyrelsen.

| Bestyrelsen er kontaktperson til de essentielle partnere til KBHFF. Pt. er det kontaktpersoner til biludlejningsfirma, der bruges til ugentlig varedistribution. Derudover er det udlejere af fælleslager, der bruges til varemodtagelse, samt kontorfællesskab, som bruges til møder, oplæg og arrangementer.

| Bestyrelsen er kontaktperson til avlere, hvis det skulle blive relevant at have en kontakt mellem bestyrelse og avlere. I reglen er det indkøbsgruppen, som har kontakten med avlerne.

| Udtaler sig til medier på vegne af foreningen, så godt han/hun nu kan.

| Har kontakt til IT-udviklerne i foreningen.

| Er kontaktperson til praktikanter, hvis foreningen har en praktikant. Står for papirarbejdet omkring det at have en praktikant samt holder evaluerende møder med praktikanten.

Referater fra bestyrelsesmøder findes https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12AxjpPfGvR3BLHoUL2-ktH06fO4fgo0S?usp=sharing

English version


The board can be contacted at bestyrelse at kbhff.dk

The core tasks of the board

The board serves as the point of contact for the accountant and the joint coordinator to ensure that the association adheres to budgets and that the general operations of the association are functioning smoothly. The board is the employer of the association's consultants, ensuring that they thrive and carry out their work. The board is KBHFF's "legal entity," overseeing and signing various agreements and contracts, approving payments, and so forth.

Common Coordinator Contact
| The board is the contact person for the common coordinator (CC). When the CC needs sparring with the board, or when the board needs sparring with the CC, the CC contact meets with the CC regularly to ensure that the CC's workflows are optimized and that the CC's working conditions are in order.

Lawyer and Attorney Contact
| The board is the contact person for lawyers and attorneys.

| Is the board's contact person to the association's bank and accountant in connection with the approval of payments. Responsible for annual accounts and budgets.

| Is the administrator for our NEM IDs, including employee signatures, which are used, for example, to report to the Danish tax authorities and to apply for and approve interns. Contact person for the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration and the Danish Business Authority.

Partner Contact
| The board is the contact person for the essential partners of KBHFF. Currently, it is the contact persons for a car rental company used for weekly goods distribution. Additionally, it is landlords of common storage used for goods receipt and a shared office space used for meetings, presentations, and events.

Grower Contact
| The board is the contact person for growers, should it become relevant to have a contact between the board and growers. As a rule, it is the purchasing group that has contact with the growers.

| Speaks to the media on behalf of the association as best as he/she can.

IT Manager
| Has contact with the IT developers in the association.

Intern Contact
| Is the contact person for interns, if the association has an intern. Responsible for the paperwork surrounding having an intern and holds evaluative meetings with the intern.

Minutes from board meetings can be found here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12AxjpPfGvR3BLHoUL2-ktH06fO4fgo0S?usp=sharing