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Det nye IT-system

Klik her for at læse en status for det nye IT-system.

See Q&A in English below.

KBHFF har eksisteret i ti år og hver uge solgt Grøntposen, med lokalt producerede sæson grøntsager til 100 kr., en gang om ugen, til alle medlemmerne.
Men nu er tiden kommet til et mere fleksibelt tilbud, hvor medlemmerne selv kan vælge hvilket indhold og mængde deres Grøntpose, skal indehold, udfra de tilbud der er i den pågældende sæson.
Dette nye digitale tilbud, kalder vi Det Fælles Grøntmarked eller Your Community Marketgarden til vore mange engelsksprogede medlemmer.

Den nye platform vil give os følgende nye muligheder:

  • Bestille de grønsager og frugter, du har lyst til, ud fra sæsonens sortiment
  • En abonnementsordning på vore faste varer.
  • Indmeldelse i KBHFF hjemmefra over nettet.
  • Bestille Grøntposen hver uge, nu også med Mastercard og Visa.
  • Et indkøbssystem, der automatisk samler ordrer til hver landmand på baggrund af medlemmernes bestillinger.
  • Et indkøbssystem, der automatisk genererer pakkesedler til brug i pakkesalen og til folk i afdelingerne.
  • Et nyt bogholdersystem integreret i indkøbssystemet.

Fakta om den ny platform:

  • Projektet har været i gang siden starten af 2018.
  • Arbejdet udføres ved en blanding af frivilligt arbejde og lønnet programmeringsarbejde.
  • KBHFF har besluttet at investere 200.000 kr i projektet.
  • Der er brug for yderligere 100.000 kr for at realisere projektet, og vi er i gang med at rejse disse penge gennem denne indsamling samt fondsansøgninger.
  • Første begrænsede version af IT-systemet ventes at blive lanceret i foråret 2019.
  • Platformen udvikles under open source licens og vil være frit tilgængeligt for andre fødevarefællesskaber og lignende initiativer.

Sagt kort skal platformen skal gøre flere lokalt og bæredygtigt producerede fødevarer tilgængelige for end en større del af Københavns befolkning

Dermed er den central i forhold til vores arbejde med at:

  • støtte små og anderledes producenter.
  • styrke vores fællesskab på tværs af generationer og mellem land og by.
  • formidle og sætte nye standarder for bæredygtighed og økologi.

Kontakt os, hvis du har lyst til at være med på IT at kbhff.dk


Why can't we keep the old system?
- because it's unstable and outdated. It will surely crash again at the next update (like it did in May with the betalingssystem, which created a lot of extra work and stress for volunteers).

- because it cannot evolve. And KBHFF needs to evolve to survive against the new competition. We need to offer new bags, be more flexible, integrate more things in the system (shift plans? recipes?), etc.

Why can't we take a "free" service?
- because it will never be compatible with our current and future needs in details.
Instead of adapting the system to our needs, we would be forced to restrict our evolution to what the system can do. In one quick glance, some free services seem to cover our needs. But one would be surprised how complex our current system is.

Today we need a system that can deal with ==> Different departments, functions such as "aflever" during a shift to follow what has been picked up, sending sms to those that haven't, opening some dates and not others, having integrated massemails and newsletters, having customized roles and permissions for indkøb, distribution, communication, different types of memberships (støtte/regular), integrated indkøb system for the indkøbsgruppe that can see what producers have, changing a afhentested / dato after a purchase, integrated accounting to close the shift and check the change, and - hopefully in the future - integrated shift management with tailored shifts for each departments, etc...

In short, we are developing a sustainable, highly tailored and customized system that will evolve with us.

- because it will not be free forever and even though it is expected to spend money on maintenance anyway, we would not be independent. And if the service stops, we're in trouble. If they host our data in whatever country that we don't want to deal with, we have no voice. We don't really know where our money goes. It is not open source. We cannot share the code and help new food-coop to be created and grow (because we do hope to inspire people outside Copenhagen and join us).

- because we have already thought of this and decided to go for a tailored solution. People have worked on it very hard until now and changing our mind now would demotivate many core members. We can however have a look for potential inspiration.

Why does it cost so much and why does it take so long?
- developing a new system from scratch costs A LOT of money. Banks and other companies spend millions on such systems. This requires months of full-time coding from experimented developers. If we had 500 000 kr, the system would be online already. But we don't. In April 2018 (general assembly), KBHFF decided to cut the budget to 200 000 kr. which is extremely low (basically because we cannot afford more).
==> We need to raise funding. There is a (small) fundraising group of volunteers. If you want to help us, please write to it at kbhff.dk.

- we are "only" volunteers and we are only 5-6 people in the IT group. Today, for 1 hour of paid professional developer, we need to provide more than 4 hours of volunteering time (from people with lives, jobs, kids...). So yes, it is slower than if we could pay more professional time. Each of us spends minimum 10 hours per month (we meet 2/month), some are almost full-time on it (a few hours every day). It is challenging but also exciting because things go forward and there is a nice ambiance and spirit of solidarity.

- in order to have it as cheap as possible, we need "young" / cheap developers which will also ensure our independence and a wider working force, therefore more sustainability. We are lucky that Martin, with his 20 years of experience and high standards, spent weeks training us for free to ensure the KBHFF coding force.

- it is very time-consuming and complicated to elaborate a precise description of what we need (just this task usually takes several months for normal projects): the exact functions, technical decision-making behind it, user-friendly perspectives, design perspectives, future developments to anticipate, what if this happens, what if that happens, creating the content for each possibility, and of course, getting a consensus over each and every one of these points, even though some of us are not developers. Doing it along the development is very complicated but also necessary sometimes because we cannot anticipate everything, but sometimes the coding team is just waiting for the steering group to clarify things and vice-versa... So we're working on a "just-in-time" basis, one step here, one step there. We have a huge Trello board, and it's also challenging in terms of organization. But we are very disciplined and everyone can follow our progression in our meeting minutes here.

- we need fundraising and this takes extra time but is a necessary investment to support the whole thing. We are only a handful, most are already involved in the IT group.
We need to get extra help to make KBHFF 2.0 happen faster and better.

For any question or if you want to give a hand, please write to it at kbhff.dk.